Community Seed Swap
12:00 PM12:00

Community Seed Swap

Bring your seeds to share, or envelopes to fill with seeds from local garden and farm enthusiasts. We’ll provide the tables and you can setup your seeds or browse the tables to help you grow a bountiful space in 2025. Interactive program begins at 12:00 to learn about potting soils from restoration ecologist Julie Vanderwal. Afterwards we’ll swap seeds, learn from each other about the varieties we bring, and support each other in creating a community of seed savers and food growers to support present and future food security in the Methow Valley.

You are NOT required to bring seed in order to take seed, all seed is given freely at this Seed Swap. Please do bring envelopes, bags or jars to take seed home in. 

Hosted by Classroom in Bloom, Twisp Library and the Twisp Valley Grange!

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Summer Garden Camp Registration
to Jul 30

Summer Garden Camp Registration

  • Classroom in Bloom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

online REGISTRATION OPENS mARCH 10 for local residents, and March 17 for out of town families

These camps will get your children into the great outdoors of our magical garden, studying pollinators, eating fresh food, learning from nature and digging in the dirt - all in the name of play! Art, science, exploration and FUN are the key elements to each week!

Monday–Thursday, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.;

Ages 6-10 yrs
(6 yr old children must be entering 1st grade in fall 2025)

$250/camp (plus$5.00 cc fee), scholarships available! Lunch and transportation provided

Week 1: June 23-26: Flying, Feathered Friends

Listen closely, can you hear a bird singing? We’ll tune in to the world of birds in and around the garden this week. Observation, songs, skits, games, and projects will all be inspired by the cacophony of bird song and sounds that fill the air. 

Week 2: June 30-July 3: Ethnobotany

Plants and humans evolved alongside one another in a symbolic dance of discovery and creation. Come along on a journey through time to discover how people once lived and crafted with the materials around them. 

Week 3: July 7- 10: A Garden of Stories

Who else calls the garden home? We’ll take a close look at life all around, big, small and miniscule. We’ll discover new species that have been hiding in plain sight. We will hear their stories and create our own. 

Week 4: July 14-17: Plant Magic

With the garden reaching its full summer brilliance, we will explore the mysterious and magical world of plants! We will cook with plants that nourish, learn the ones that heal, build with plants that are flexible and strong, and fill canvases with plants that provide pigment. 

Week 5: July 21- 24: Eat Your Way Around the World

Put on your chef hat and we’ll travel the world through our taste buds, learning where our favorite garden foods come from and how cultures around the world use fresh ingredients to cook delicious meals. 

Week 6: July 28- 31: Down in the Ground

In the dog days of summer, who hasn’t thought of crawling under the cool soil to hide from the heat? We’ll get grounded while imagining what life is like underground. We will meet and join forces with the decomposers that build the soil, play and sculpt with clay and earth, and make edible and compostable creations.

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Professional Teachers Training - All About Compost
9:00 AM09:00

Professional Teachers Training - All About Compost

Classroom in Bloom’s team of educators will share curriculum developed for K-12 grade students which includes lessons, games, activities, and other educational tools. All About Compost is just that, all about creating compost and the learning through art and science education about how to change our food waste into garden gold soil. We’ll showcase lessons for you to teach your students about FBI (fungus-bacteria-invertebrates), climate action solutions, and compost health.

Classroom in Bloom offers OSPI approved educator workshops with Washington State Clock Hours. The workshops are for ALL educators, and anyone involved in student education. All workshops focus on hands on learning, collaboration, and Washington State Curriculum.

Cost: FREE

All costs of the class, including free lessons, curriculum, and tools were provided through the foundry10 foundation funds and the Okanogan Conservation District. Curriculum developed by Classroom in Bloom coincides with grade level state standards.

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Seeds, Tea and YOGA
4:30 PM16:30

Seeds, Tea and YOGA

Join Classroom in Bloom at Motive Yoga as they support local non-profits in the Valley through their GIVE BACK yoga classes to our community.

Together we’ll support a healthy evening to get you ready for the coming garden season, with locally grown herbal tea as an immune boost, seeds to plant for empowerment, and yoga for body strength and flexibility! All donations go to Classroom in Bloom - thank you Motive Yoga!!!

Classes are located at Motive Yoga Co. @ Mtn Annex, 31 W Chewuch Rd. Winthrop.

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Student-Led Spring Plant Sale 2025
9:00 AM09:00

Student-Led Spring Plant Sale 2025

Join our 5th grade students at their Annual Spring Plant Sale as they sow, grow, tend and sell veggie and flower plants starts as a fundraiser for their school garden. This one-day sale during the school week gives all students an opportunity to run the sale.


Students will sell the bulk of their veggie and flower plant starts on the day of the event. Staff and volunteers will be at the market in between to fill in the gaps.


There will be limited online sales one-week beforehand, with pickup at the garden on Fri, May 16th at the Plant Sale.

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Professional Teachers Training - GARDEN ART and SCIENCE
9:00 AM09:00

Professional Teachers Training - GARDEN ART and SCIENCE

Register through North Central Washington ESD: 4.0 clock and STEM hours.

Classroom in Bloom offers OSPI approved educator workshops with Washington State Clock Hours. The workshops are for ALL educators, and anyone involved in student education. All workshops focus on hands on learning, collaboration, and Washington State Curriculum.

Cost: FREE

All costs of the class, including free lessons, curriculum, and tools were provided through the foundry10 foundation funds and the Okanogan Conservation District. Curriculum developed by Classroom in Bloom coincides with grade level state standards.

School garden programs integrate classroom lessons and art disciplines into a dynamic, outdoor program for K-6 grade students. Classroom in Bloom’s team of educators will share curriculum developed for K-6 grade students which includes lessons, games, activities, and other educational tools that deepen garden education while building a child’s sense of wonder and connection to nature. Teachers will learn how to inspire creativity for student learning and integrate state standard-based art education in the garden environment.

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Student Led Farmers Market
9:00 AM09:00

Student Led Farmers Market

Support and Buy Local! Purchase a sample of Classroom in Bloom’s bounty to support your youth farmers at the Methow Valley Elementary School. Students have been preparing for weeks to host their own Farmers Market: 4th grade students will sell produce and High School Culinary Arts will offer sample dishes of the variety of foods grown here in their school garden.

This project is supported and in partnership with PSFA - our Public School Funding Alliance.

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Summer Garden Camp- Registration Opens
to Aug 1

Summer Garden Camp- Registration Opens

In garden camp we’ll be celebrating pollinators, listening to birds, exploring life under the soil, eating our way around the world, and planting seeds of joy throughout each week! 

Monday–Thursday, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.;

Ages 6-11 yrs
(6 yr old children must be entering 1st grade in fall 2024)

$245/camp check and cash registration; $250 cc registration.

Financial Aide available!

Week 1. Feathered, Flying Friends (June 24-27)
Week 2: Pollination Celebration (July 1-3 *Monday- Wednesday*)
Week 3: Garden Ecosystems (July 8-11) -
Week 4: Hide and Seeds (July 15-18)  - FULL
Week 5: Eat Your Way Around the World (July 22-25) - FULL
Week 6: Life in the Soil (July 29- Aug 1) - FULL

Questions? Send Mia and email at

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Student-Led Spring Plant Sale
9:00 AM09:00

Student-Led Spring Plant Sale

Join our 5th grade students at their Annual Spring Plant Sale as they sow, grow, tend and sell veggie and flower plants starts as a fundraiser for their school garden. This one-day sale during the school week gives all students an opportunity to run the sale.


Students will sell the bulk of their veggie and flower plant starts on the day of the event. Staff and volunteers will be at the market in between to fill in the gaps.


There will be limited online sales one-week beforehand, with pickup at the garden on Fri, May 17th at the Plant Sale.

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Spring Volunteer Workparty
9:00 AM09:00

Spring Volunteer Workparty

Saturday, March 30th

(Homegrown garden snacks and drinks provided)

Please come and join us before students are back in the garden on April 8th. A few projects we need help with include:  Gazebo TLC, hedgerow tidying, root cellar drainage, fence repair,berry patch love.

Please RSVP to if you can make it.

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Community Seed Exchange
2:00 PM14:00

Community Seed Exchange

Hosted by Methow Valley Seed Collective, Classroom in Bloom and the Twisp Valley Grange

Interactive program begins at 2:00pm to learn about the ways we all save seed and the ways we can support each other in creating a community of seed savers to support our present and future seed security. 

2:45 starts our Seed Swap! We can learn from each other about the varieties that we bring, and how they are maintained.  You are NOT required to bring seed in order to take seed, all seed is given freely at this Seed Swap.

Please bring envelopes, bags or jars to take seed home in. 

Methow Valley Seed Collective and Classroom in Bloom will bring some different dishes of food to share that are created from seed varieties that we grow.  Please bring a side dish of your own that features a crop that you grew, especially one from which you brought seed to share.

Methow Valley Seed Collective/Twisp River Seed

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Seed Saving in the Methow Valley with Anaka Mines
5:30 PM17:30

Seed Saving in the Methow Valley with Anaka Mines

Anaka Mines with Methow Valley Seed Collective will share some introductory concepts on how to save your own seeds from common crops in the Methow Valley.  She’ll discuss the basics of how to adapt crops to our climatic region and why it’s so important to be adaptive in our approach to agriculture. As founder of the Methow Valley Seed Collective, she asks how can we work together as a community to maintain a supply of local seeds that we can all use and share?  – the heart of seed saving.  Her talk is a prelude to the community Seed Swap and Gathering on 18 February.

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Student Led Farmers Market
9:00 AM09:00

Student Led Farmers Market

Support and Buy Local! Purchase a sample of Classroom in Bloom’s bounty to support your youth farmers at the Methow Valley Elementary School. Students have been preparing for weeks to host their own Farmers Market: 4th grade students will sell produce and High School Culinary Arts will offer sample dishes of the variety of foods grown here in their school garden.

This project is supported and in partnership with PSFA - our Public School Funding Alliance.

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Give Methow
to Oct 31

Give Methow

  • Classroom in Bloom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During the month of October, Classroom in Bloom is participating in Give Methow – an online fundraising campaign. You can support us and all the other Methow Valley organizations with missions you value in one easy on-line site at Until Oct 1, you can still give to this campaign on our Classroom in Bloom online platform, and it will count towards our GiveMethow goals!

Now more than ever, we recognize how much the word Together means. Our mission works together with that of so many other organizations to make the Methow such a vibrant, resilient, and connected community focused on building a strong future.

As part of Give Methow, every donation is “stretched” through a designated stretch pool of funds, so this a great time to make your gift go further. And, if you donate on a Funday Monday, you’ll be entered to win the chance to give $500-$1000! to the organization of your choice.

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Annual Fall Garden Party and Silent Auction
4:00 PM16:00

Annual Fall Garden Party and Silent Auction

An evening under the sunflowers and amidst friends and family of the Valley to celebrate and raise funds for garden programs that bring life-changing benefits of outdoor science and art education, and farm fresh food to children of the Methow Valley through their public schools.

$32 per ticket (includes credit card service fees)
party for adults over 21 only

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Community Presentation with Victor Yemba
7:00 PM19:00

Community Presentation with Victor Yemba

Sowing Seeds and Growing Hope in the Congo

Victor will join us in the Methow Valley to tell his story of growing up in a small village in the Democratic Republic of Congo. From the age of 6, he assisted his grandfather in growing food for the family with no tools but iron hoes. Seeds and farming literally gave life to his family and friends as they escaped warfare to the jungle to live for months and years. His love of growing food would eventually lead him to become a sustainable gardening activist working with the organization Slow Food. Through the 10,000 Gardens of Africa project, Victor took the lead in establishing 50 school and community gardens in the midst of a war zone. Victor will share the story of his life in a broken country, working to bring hope and sustenance to people in need!

Sponsored by Classroom in Bloom and the Grange
at the Twisp Valley Grange

Dessert and drinks provided - Free to our Community

There will be donation cards available for folks to take with them to donate to the NGO 1000 Gardens of Africa, through SlowFood Foundation (

Slow Food Gardens in Africa - What We Do - Slow Food Foundation

The Slow Food Gardens in Africa network is growing: a network of people working across the continent to preserve biodiversity, add value to traditional

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Student-Led Spring Plant Sale - Date To-Be-Determined!
9:00 AM09:00

Student-Led Spring Plant Sale - Date To-Be-Determined!

Join our 5th grade students at their Annual Spring Plant Sale as they sow, grow, tend and sell veggie and flower plants starts as a fund raiser for their school garden. This one-day sale, mid-week gives the students a full opportunity to run their school farm.


Students will sell the bulk of their veggie and flower plant starts from 9:30-12:30 and again from 2-3:30pm. Staff and volunteers will be at the market inbetween to fill in the gaps.


There will be limited online sales the one-week beforehand, with pickup at the garden on Thu, May 18th at the Plant Sale. The online plant sale will be posted and open on May 10th here. Stay Tuned!

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Auction Opening Celebration - Wine & Cheese Viewing
5:30 PM17:30

Auction Opening Celebration - Wine & Cheese Viewing

We will highlight William Morris’s blown-glass artistic sculpture, his generosity to Classroom in Bloom’s garden education programs, and honor Methow Arts programs.

Seating is limited.

Cost is by donation and all funds will benefit Methow Arts and Classroom in Bloom.

This event on March 2nd will celebrate our opening day of the Online Auction for this one of a kind art piece to benefit Classroom in Bloom.

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Seed Swap
2:00 PM14:00

Seed Swap

Hosted by Methow Valley Seed Collective, Twisp Valley Grange and Classroom in Bloom

This gathering will have two components.  There will be an interactive talk with some practical information about how to save seeds in the garden and why saving our own seed locally will benefit our community.  And there will also be an opportunity for gardeners from all over the valley to share seeds that they have saved from their own gardens with other gardeners. 

Please feel free to come with seed you saved, or leftover packets from seeds you have bought and would like to share your excess.  Also, if you have no seed to bring, come as you are, the seeds at this gathering are gifts from the earth to be shared freely, as are the stories and knowledge that we will share.  

Methow Valley Seed Collective/Twisp River Seed

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Mistletoe Madness
4:00 PM16:00

Mistletoe Madness

Classroom in Bloom will be at the Outdoor Winter Market selling hats, mugs, hoodies and seeds for your holiday shopping gifts!

Mistletoe Madness in Twisp will showcase a variety of artists, makers and crafters with a Winter Market! Stroll downtown Twisp both indoors and outdoors to browse photography, jewelry, pottery, clothing, wreaths, mittens, books, paintings, and much more. See you there!

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Student Led Farmers Market
9:00 AM09:00

Student Led Farmers Market

Support and Buy Local! Purchase a sample of Classroom in Bloom’s bounty to support your youth farmers at the Methow Valley Elementary School. Students have been preparing for weeks to host their own Farmers Market: 4th grade students will sell produce and High School Culinary Arts will offer sample dishes of the variety of foods grown here in their school garden.

This project is supported and in partnership with PSFA - our Public School Funding Alliance.

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Give Methow
to Oct 31

Give Methow

  • Classroom in Bloom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Support your public school garden education programs by Giving Methow

October 1-31

During Give Methow 100% of your donation benefits the nonprofits you choose - the Community Foundation of Northcentral WA covers the credit card fees!

Donate on Funday Monday and you'll be entered to win $500 to use on Give Methow any way you choose! Three winners will be drawn each week.

Support ALL Give Methow nonprofits with a gift to Give to All and your donation will be matched by an anonymous donor.

The impact of school gardens on the health and wellness of our children is needed more than ever. Your gift to Classroom in Bloom is leaving a lasting legacy in support of sustainable farming and local foods. Together we are feeding our children farm produce and empowering them to cultivate their own food - starting with our youngest kinders and growing to our high school seniors in their Farm to School food and education programs.

From the Methow Valley to Okanogan County, thank you for helping every student grow.

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4:00 PM16:00

Annual Fall Garden Party

The evening will be filled with a giving tree and a silent auction to help raise funds for our garden programs that bring life-changing benefits of gardening and farm fresh food to children of the Methow Valley and Okanogan County through their public schools.

all proceeds go to our Garden Education Programs!

If you have an item you would like to donate to our silent auction, please contact Susan Ernsdorff at

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Summer Garden Camps and Registration
to Jul 28

Summer Garden Camps and Registration

Classroom in Bloom
Summer Garden Camps

Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm

6-10 year olds welcome

$240.00 / camper per week
Scholarships available!!!

Please inquire if needed, or if you’d like to donate for another student to attend!

Our youth summer camps provide opportunities for children to grow, prepare and eat healthy foods. We balance farm and cooking life at each camp with exploration, art, field-based science, and games that help connect us to the natural world. We’ll meet worms and pollinators, collect and plant seeds, create nature art, build with natural materials, and explore life on the farm.  Themes each week will vary based on the seasonality of the garden!

A few spots are available in many camps, so inquire within for more info!

We are opening up June 27-30th for all ages! This June 27-30th week, we’ll be in two cohorts: littles (5-7 yr olds) and older students (8-10 yr olds) - REGISTRATION STILL OPEN FOR THIS CAMP!

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Spring Plant Sale
9:00 AM09:00

Spring Plant Sale

Spring planting season is coming and Methow Valley students are growing your spring seedling starts at Classroom in Bloom again this year!

Come support your Elementary and High School students who will GROW and SELL your veggie and flower starts at this in-person, farmers market-style plant sale hosted by students from 9am-12pm at the school garden.

The afternoon (noon-6pm) will also be dedicated to selling plants but hosted by volunteers. Plus, for those that would like to order online, you can do so 1-week in advance and pickup your orders on the day of the event.

All funds raised go towards our school garden education programs!

Thank you to our incredible sponsors of The Spring Plant Sale this year!

Pickup of your order is on the day of the event

At the one day SALE, there will be more of everything

New varieties include veggies, perennial flowers & shrubs, and SUCCULENTS too!

We’d like to thank  Public School Funding Alliance and Methow Valley School District for their support to enrich the learning environment for all Methow Valley students!

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