Kim Romain-Bondi
Executive Director
Classroom in Bloom is fulfilling my dream of combining outdoor adventure with fresh food, science and art education in our community. My career as a Wildlife Biologist, a home gardener and an educator culminated into this position as Director for CiB in 2017. I am inspired at CiB by our intentional directive to give every student the opportunity to explore nature as part of their classroom while they learn how to grow fresh food and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Lindsey Ashford
Teen Program Coordinator
I joined the CiB team to bring together all my past working experiences and life long love of gardening in this amazing school garden. I am excited to get middle and high schoolers into the garden through a variety of creative ways, while navigating children’s connections and wonder into a deeper relationship with our food source and the land. Being outside everyday and sharing my love for all things growing is icing on the cake!
Miles Griffin
Food and Farm Manager
While teaching in various experiential settings, I could not help but grow food so I squeezed farming into my summers and weekends. Now, after growing produce in the Methow Valley for years, Classroom in Bloom offers a beautiful mix of educational and agricultural passions. I’m ecstatic to be a part of our students’ process of becoming more deeply connected to their food and the process of how it’s brought to their table; hopefully one shared with many!
Mia Sundstrom
Youth Education Coordinator
After working with youth in wild places across the country, I am excited to find myself in this vibrant garden where children develop a connection with the food they eat and the place they live. It is such a joy to experience the enthusiastic learning that takes place in the garden, and it is a delight to see healthy food disappear into the bodies of growing kids.
STAff who have helped us grow over the years:
Anaka Mines and Lexi Koch-Founders and Executive Directors, Tori Karpenko–Garden Coordinator, Paul Smotherman–Compost Educator, Alexa Whipple–Garden Coordinator, Nick Allgood–Compost Educator, Katharine Bill-Executive Director, Kate Posey-Executive Director, Annie McKay–Garden Coordinator, Aspen Kvicala–Garden Coordinator, Ramsey Berbawy–Teen Educator, Joe Talbert–Teen Educator, Max Thomas–Elementary Educator Coordinator, Cailyn Brierley–Elementary Educator Coordinator, Jim Anderson–Okanogan Garden Coordinator,
Emily Post - Garden Manager for 10yrs, Amber Kauffman–Okanogan Garden Coordinator; Jane Strader-Teen Programs.