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Community Seed Swap

  • Twisp Valley Grange 344 West 2nd Avenue Twisp, WA, 98856 United States (map)

Bring your seeds to share, or envelopes to fill with seeds from local garden and farm enthusiasts. We’ll provide the tables and you can setup your seeds or browse the tables to help you grow a bountiful space in 2025. Interactive program begins at 12:00 to learn about potting soils from restoration ecologist Julie Vanderwal. Afterwards we’ll swap seeds, learn from each other about the varieties we bring, and support each other in creating a community of seed savers and food growers to support present and future food security in the Methow Valley.

You are NOT required to bring seed in order to take seed, all seed is given freely at this Seed Swap. Please do bring envelopes, bags or jars to take seed home in. 

Hosted by Classroom in Bloom, Twisp Library and the Twisp Valley Grange!