Classroom in Bloom is a non-profit 501c3 organization which requires financial support from individuals and foundations. Over 60% of our budget comes from generous donations from the private sector (public). Please consider helping fund one of our programs today!

Your donation is a lasting gift of education, food, environment and farming to our children of the Methow Valley.

Here are ways you and your family can contribute your tax deductible contribution to CiB now and into the future:

Corporate Give and Match Programs

Make your charitable impact even greater with support from your workplace or corporate giving programs.

direct to our agency advised fund

Donate through Agency Advised Fund through the
Community Foundation of Northcentral WA

Charitable FunD or IRA

Convey your intended donation to your financial advisory to donate through an IRA or Donor Advised Fund (DAF),

Paypal Charitable Giving Fund

100% of donations made here go to CiB as the charity of your choice.

Estate Planning- Inheritance gifts

Leave a lasting legacy by designating Classroom in Bloom as a beneficiary in your estate planning. Please contact our Executive Director for more information.

Monthly Contributions

Setup one-time, monthly or quarterly payments through our website for regular gift giving through our Donate Now button above.

Or send a check payable to:

Classroom in Bloom:
Box 1264
Winthrop, WA 98862

If you would like to explore how your these or other financial opportunities can help Classroom in Bloom serve as a lasting legacy to the Methow Valley, our children and our local agricultural community, contact us or your financial advisor for more information. 

Thank you!